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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - March 26 2008 : 22:53:49

Forum Subscriptions Activated
Know when your favorite topics are being discussed

Posted 12/13/2007
Our forums have a subscription feature available. I've been learning about administering the forums for the last month or so, and thought it would be a good idea to activate this feature. I've found a similar feature in Microsoft's Sharepoint services useful, and hope our forum users will, too. You can subscribe to the whole board if you like, any category except General, and any forum or topic within the board.

How it works

First, you must have a valid e-mail address. This should not be a problem because you had to have that to get on the forum in the first place.

Second, when you see something you want to subscribe to, click the subscribe icon. It looks like this:[img]icon_subscribe.gif[/img]. You'll get a popup message confirming your subscription.

To cancel a subscription, click the Unsubscribe icon. It looks like this:[img]icon_unsubscribe.gif[/img]. You'll be asked if you really want to unsubscribe. If you click OK, you'll get a popup message confirming the cancellation of your subscription.

While you are subscribed to a topic (message thread), forum, category, or the whole board, when someone either posts a new item, or replies to a topic, you will get an email telling you about it. This way, you can keep up with those conversations that interest you.

Hope it helps,

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