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 Norton Product Won't Install/Uninstall

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1029usr078198 Posted - December 17 2007 : 11:02:29
When your Norton/Symantec security product subscription ends, we recommend you Renew it, rather than buying the newest version. If you do have to install a new Norton product, we recommend you uninstall your old one first, then install the new one as a replacement. Even after all these years, Norton still hasn't figured out how to perform an upgrade of its products.

If your Norton product won't Install or Uninstall you will need to go to their website and get the Norton Removal Tool. You can get that here:


Unless you have several to do, don't waste hard drive space saving the file and trying to keep it handy for the future. This tool expires after a while and you'll have to get it again anyway.

Hope it helps,

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