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 File Management 101
 File Management Exercise
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Posted - November 13 2007 :  12:10:41  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit 1029usr078198's Homepage  Click to see 1029usr078198's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Files/Folders Exercise

In your “My Documents” folder, create two text files with different text in each one. Create a folder on the desktop. Move the two text files into that folder, then copy them back into “My Documents”. Delete the new folder and the remaining files.

1. Open My Documents
2. Right-click a blank space
3. Point at New
4. Click Text Document
5. Type a name for the document (Don't forget to include ".txt" as the extension at the end)
6. Press Enter
7. Open the document
8. Type some text into the document
9. Close Notepad
10. Click Yes to save your changes
11. Right-click a blank space
12. Point at New
13. Click Text Document
14. Type a name for this document
15. Press Enter
16. Open the document
17. Type some different text into the document
18. Close Notepad
19. Click Yes to save your changes
20. Make sure that My Documents is neither maximized nor minimized.
21. Right-click a blank space on the Desktop.
22. Point at New
23. Click Folder
24. Type a name for the document
25. Press Enter
26. Drag the first file from My Documents and drop it on the icon of the new folder
27. Drag the second file from My Documents and drop it on the icon of the new folder
28. Open the new folder
29. Arrange the windows so that the new folder and My Documents are both visible on the screen.
30. Copy each file back to the My Documents window (any method is OK, Right-drag & Drop will be used here)
31. Right-drag the first document file over to My Documents and drop it.
32. From the menu, choose Copy Here
33. Right-drag the second document file over to My Documents and drop it.
34. From the menu, choose Copy Here
35. Close the new folder window
36. Drag the new folder icon over to the Recycle bin and drop it.
37. Drag one of the file icons over to the Recycle bin and drop it.
38. Drag the second of the file icons over to the Recycle bin and drop it.
39. Right-click the Recycle bin
40. Choose Empty Recycle Bin

Hope it helps,
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